Hard Truths

Ongoing exploration of the contemporary world with a tragicomic study of human strengths and weaknesses.

Where to Watch

Hard Truths

is not currently available for streaming. Screening links will be added as soon as they are available.

If you would like to submit a “Where to Watch” link please email us at feedback@visionmedia.com

Best Picture

Georgina Lowe

Best Director

Mike Leigh

Best Original Screenplay

Mike Leigh

Best Actress

Marianne Jean-Baptiste

Best Supporting Actress

Michele Austin

Best Supporting Actor

David Webber
Tuwaine Barrett

Best Cinematography

Dick Pope

Best Production Design

Suzie Davies, Production Designer
Charlotte Dirickx, Set Decorator

Best Film Editing

Tania Reddin

Best Costume Design

Jacqueline Durran

Best Makeup & Hairstyling

Nora Robertson, Hair & Makeup Designer
Françoise Herard, Make-up Supervisor

Best Sound

Time Fraser, Production Sound Mixer
Lee Herrick, Supervising Sound Editor
Adam Scrivener, Re-recording Mixer
Adam Daniel, Re-recording Mixer

Best Original Score

Gary Yerson

More info coming soon